Photo: White House, Creative Commons |
As he energizes more and more Americans everyday, Bernie Sanders has created a movement that is becoming so large at such an early stage in the game. If the current establishment of corrupt, sold-out politicians is saying they aren’t nervous. They are most certainly lying to you. Hillary Clinton is feeling the heat, and any additional incoming candidates will only bolster Sanders campaign. With such a dramatic start, the question is no longer about whether he can win. It is now a question of how big will this movement be when the elections come around?
Most would probably agree that when you start thinking about a post-Obama America, you look at the current playing field and can’t help but think... Really? This country is already somewhat of a mess. The current candidates all but confirm just how messy it really is. There are so many of them that are viewed negatively by a large majority, yet some of them believe they stand a chance. If they’re lucky, half of the Republicans will even get invited to any of the debates. The Democrats certainly aren’t getting anyone excited. Well there is this guy, Bernie Sanders. Have you heard about him?
When looking at the entire playing field, you have to ask yourself. Can we trust any of these people to inherit a potential new Cold War with Russia? What about the Middle East? China? More importantly, what about the problems here at home? Immigration? Poverty? Unemployment? Our options are to keep doing the same thing? Do we expect a different result this time? Shit. I think I’m starting to black out…
Just kidding... But not really... It happened...
In all seriousness. Is it me or does it all of sudden feel a little like the same old shit? Is that what we really want for America? We’re just going to hear the same opportunistic rhetoric by these money-hungry candidates. It has been the same puppet-show for decades, with the same people pulling the strings. The Republican Party is such a mess that they are trying to figure out who they have become as a party. Every one of them has the deer in the headlights look. The only ones talking are the ones spinning the same old talking points, going from one extreme to the next based on which candidate your talking too.
Sanders so far has been the front-runner on his detailed campaign policies and ideas. He has a clearly devised plan to finally start moving America forward again. It’s the same plan he has been proposing for decades. One that makes sense, one that resonates with most Americans and is intently focused on the success of the American People. How does someone with such great ideas get past the current political environment? The same environment where politicians turn and look away from the American people, to ensure 'special interests' are taken care of.
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Source: Wikimedia, Creative Commons |
You don’t look-up at Bernie Sanders like you would most politicians. The rest of the candidates consider themselves above the rest of us. When it comes to Bernie Sanders, you look directly at him because he is on the same level as all of us. He doesn’t carry the ego that all the other candidates have. He also knows he will be greatly outspent in an election that some are saying could cost as much as 7 billion dollars. But he also understands the amount of power The People can still wield on politics, especially in massive numbers. He is quickly becoming the leader of a political revolution that this country so desperately needs. He is what I now call the “People’s Champ”.
Currently, it looks like we will see as many as 20 Republicans running for President. My thoughts on the motivation of what many have called the Republican “clown car” seems obvious. Quite simple really. They already know there will be nearly 2 billion dollars up for grabs from just two families alone. These families, Sheldon Adelson and his wife (over 600 million dollars), as well as the Koch Brothers (nearly 1 billion dollars) have total control over the Republican Party. When I look at these extreme amounts of money by so few people, and how they dictate elections, I begin to feel somewhat of a “cartel” effect.
People joke that many Republicans are off their rocker. That they have lost touch with the American People. That most, if not all of the Republican Party has gone too far to the right. The reality is, you have two families in control here. Then when the inevitable contributions from corporations start coming in, there’s so much more to be had for the candidates. It would be foolish to think we won't see more Republican candidates. Any Republican with any experience is probably thinking about it. It’s the equivalent to winning the lottery, with much better chances.
We all know that there is personal financial benefit to all of this as well. No one would spend billions of dollars for a job that pays a little over 200,000 dollars a year. Especially, if it didn’t come with the promise of personal financial gains. Bill and Hillary Clinton claimed to be broke upon leaving the White House, yet they are now worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Not including the contributions from corporations to The Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s Presidential war chest. Add all that money and they are suddenly worth billions. Now, all of a sudden, we have other Democrats entering the race, thinking they can bring Hillary down and get some of that proverbial cash. As if they have a chance against that much political influence, errr money.
While it is still early, and no one wants to start picking favorites just yet. It would be a pretty safe assumption to think that it will look something like Jeb Bush vs. Bernie Sanders when it comes down to it. Sanders’ campaign, as of this writing, has generated about a third in contributions compared to the Clinton campaign. He has garnered about 15 million dollars to her 45 million dollars so far. While it seems like a huge difference, you have to keep in mind that Sanders has generated all of his contributions from individuals donating as little as 5 dollars ($33.00 dollars the average per person).
See that? His contributions are coming from regular people. People with hope. People who believe in him. In the end that's another reason he will win. Because his campaign will be outspent, but he will generate enough to put up one hell of a fight. His money will not come from corporations, billionaires, or any special interest groups.
In fact, generating that much money from individuals while fighting off the Clinton corporate money machine, speaks volumes. Hillary’s campaign is riddled with special interest money, which brings up many moral questions about her obvious double-speak. If you don’t think it’s going to be Jeb and Bernie, then you probably think it will be Jeb and Hillary. Currently that seems to be the most agreed upon prediction, so I could totally see that. In fact, I don’t think Bernie just has a shot in this election. I believe that he will win it all. Especially, given the current trend.
I expect Bernie Sanders will continue attracting the attention of more and more voters, and his base will to continue to grow. As more people begin to sour on Clinton and her corporate ties, they will turn their attention to Sanders. And with Sanders already attracting the attention of key demographics, those critical votes will make it easy to topple any Republican candidate. For example, early indicators show that he has the attention of the Millennials. This generational demographic is becoming one of the most popular among Sanders’ supporters, while being widely overlooked by nearly every other candidate. And he is just getting started.
Scott Galindez of Reader Supported News, reported on July 2nd from the Sanders rally in Madison, Wisconsin that took place the day prior to his report, on July 1st. Where 10,000 people showed up in support of Bernie Sanders.
“There have been many insurgent campaigns that fizzle out, but many feel that this time is different. If you consider the timing of these rallies, the campaign is just getting started – rallies of the size Bernie is drawing usually happen for a party nominee in the weeks leading up to the election. Sanders has seven months to build on them before the first votes are cast. The crowds also go a long way in convincing people that he is viable. The next step will be getting some key endorsements that will help build the momentum. Bernie’s opponents have to be nervous about an endorsement that will be announced Friday in Cedar Rapids. One of the nation’s most prominent union organizers, Larry Cohen, who was the president of the Communications Workers of America until he retired three weeks ago, will not only endorse Sanders but will go to work helping him get elected.” - Scott Galindez, Reader Supported News
The support of Larry Cohen is a very big deal. So you can stop kidding yourselves before you even get started. In fact it’s a huge deal. Scott Galindez goes on to say, “Cohen’s endorsement is a big domino that could lead to major union endorsements”. Which is very true as Cohen can generate a ton of support. With his popularity and his experience, he could very well be the last little push Sanders needs to get past a corrupt Hillary Clinton. This is the dawn of a new age in American Politics. With Democrats increasingly edging towards the “middle-right” and Republicans further to the right than ever. It leaves us without representation to challenge the current system in place. One that is corrupt and misleading the people with intent. Sanders by default brings that accountability to the conversation. Should the rest of the field be afraid? Absolutely, they should all be very afraid.
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Source: Wikimedia, Creative Commons |
During the last elections we witnessed a huge majority (over 60%) of the voting population not participate in the electoral process, for various reasons. This shows signs of an obvious lack of faith in America’s electoral system. While also amplifying that there is a most certain level of distrust with the process. With many feeling like their votes wouldn’t count regardless of participation. These perceptions are wholly predicated by the level of greed in Washington. With the Citizen's United ruling serving only to empower an even higher level of greed.
Just take a look at ALL of the other candidates diving into the mix while completely ignorant of any policies, and certainly not coming anywhere near what the American people have wanted. And now those same Americans, are demanding it. Yet somehow these elitists continue to laugh in our faces as they get rich.
And then once again there's this guy, with foolish ideals who doesn't stand a chance. Bernie Sanders’ policies and speeches are getting these very voters excited about future prospects for America. Instilling the fact that the system may in fact still work for the people. Nearly everything he is proposing appeals to the vast majority of Americans. Plain and simple. And while, many voters are not yet expressing their commitment one way or the other to any candidates. The fact that those same undecided voters are paying attention, is just one more reason the Sanders campaign is picking up steam. Enough steam to 'take it to the house'... The White House.
While all the other candidates began expressing their displeasure with the recent Supreme Court rulings, and Hillary's puppet strings seemed ever so entangled. All.of sudden much to their surprise the American people came out in massive numbers to show their support for those rulings. Most of the presidential candidates that were so vehemently and vocally against the court, began to backpedal from statements.
Speeches that were really only appealing to the extreme right. There were many comments of deception, that were made in apparent haste. Completely ignorant of the protections ou our Constitution. All of a sudden they realize represent a minority of voters, and that their base isn't as broad as they thought. Then the millions of Americans who came out and took up the fight against all the propaganda. Social Media was on fire.
And the only beacon of opportunity, the shining light for the people remained Bernie Sanders. The reason is simple. He has always agreed with what the vast majority of Americans only came to realize in the last decade. Yet nearly all of the politicians currently in office are way off the reservation when it comes to politics for the people.
Suddenly they began to tone down the rhetoric and lies about the attacks on “religious liberties”. With oxymoronic statements claiming “judicial tyranny” on religious freedom. Some may eventually go as far as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, with a complete about face on marriage equality. Who knows...These people do weird things
One thing that is certain, Bernie Sanders has always been ahead of the pack when it comes to the working class and equal rights. Particularly, the same issues the Supreme Court voted in favor of. I can only think of one he disagrees with, and that's the Affordable Care Act (ACA). What is his problem with the ACA you ask? It's quite simple. He, like many of the downtrodden, don't believe it does enough.
But when it comes to that "crazy guy" and his meager 15 million dollars, he doesn't have a chance right? I know, I know, here we go with that guy again right? Well one thing is certain, you're not going to see any backpedaling or changing stances from Good Ole Bernie. He has always fought for the people, the people he chose to represent. And he's still waging war on corrupt political dealings, and fighting to get the money out of politics.
He stands by the same moral standards that are, and have always been, a perfect example of how elected officials are expected to act. He stands for the same issues he has always stood for. Everything from income inequality, corporate taxation, investing in infrastructure, investing in America, and fighting for the American people. He has always been the voice of the people.
Bernie Sanders is a staunch supporter of the American dream, and the American way of life. He has remained loyal to his beliefs for over 40 years, to which he has always shared commonality with the vast majority of Americans. Bernie Sanders doesn’t really have much to prove. If he ever had to prove anything, you would simply have to look at his track-record. He has always been a consistent voice of the people. Anyone in America would agree whether they like it or or not, he has consistently been a Champion of the People.
So in the end Bernie Sanders will win simply by being himself, and welcoming any challenge thrown his way. He is arrogant in all the right ways, and about all the right things. And that’s what America wants, because that’s what America needs. Someone to stand up for her and her people, while staying true to the core foundation of this country.
In the end, the reasoning behind my thinking falls in line with that of Sanders. Just as it seems to be with most Americans. Because he is our best chance at moving this country forward again. He believes it is his moral obligation as an American citizen. In the same way that the very core principles behind Politics and New Ideas, is because it is the moral obligation of all Americans to stand up for what's right.
The days of complacency are coming to end. And it's time for everyone to get involved in the political process, the way it was meant to be. For it has already been said.
"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors". - Plato
It's about time to foster change. And this time we have a truly credible chance at gaining control as a people. For we have something we can get behind to create massive momentum. Because this is not about a singular candidate, or partisan politics. This is something that makes sense for America, and we have an opportunity vote with conscience. As the voice of the people.
This is our chance to be a part of something bigger than all of us. This is a political revolution. One that is long over due.
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