What we have already known to be true and Constitutionally correct, has been verified by the highest of all courts. While the religious extremists contest that their 1st Amendment rights have been violated. They too are protected by the ever powerful Constitution of these United States. For the sake of staying true to who we are as a Nation, surely you already know this right?
This has always been a case about equality, and civil rights. It never should have involved religion as their is no place for religion within the law, just as there is no place for law within any religion. This decision does not force the will of the LGBT community on anyone, it merely ensures their rights as human beings under the Constitution. The same rights afforded to everyone else in America. And no, it is not forcing religions to change anything. Churches won’t be forced allow gay weddings, and no we’re not going to re-write the Bible. The same Bible that offers no consequence for being homo-sexual, but does say that a woman must be stoned upon divorce. So hey! We can now get stoned together!
When Mike Huckabee issued a statement today against this decision, he proved the level of intolerance being condoned by leaders in America. For example, when he made the oxymoronic statement regarding the Supreme Court’s decision, (he stated that “‘we must resist and reject judicial tyranny”) he proved his ignorance and intolerance. To suggest that somehow religion is under attack in America is purely an isolated concept and belief, spread amongst a very small number of Americans. Freedom of religion is as equally protected by the constitution, as the confederate flag is.
This is the kind of language used by our elected (or soon to be elected) officials, to win over the religious right. While also spreading misinformation to the American public. Huckabee goes on to say:
“The Supreme Court can no more repeal the laws of nature and nature’s God on marriage, than it can the law of gravity. Under our constitution the court cannot write a law, even though some cowardly politicians will wave the white flag and accept it without realizing that they are failing their sworn duty to reject abuses from the court. If accepted by Congress and this President this decision will be a serious blow to religious liberty, which is the heart of the First Amendment”
This is what we are facing today. Nonsensical statements that are not only based on rhetoric and poor use of words, but also represent a small minority of religious extremists in this country. Nothing has been implemented allowing any restrictions on religion or change in any given belief system. It most certainly does not impose the will of those who benefit from this ruling on any religion either. This is a simple ruling that says, if anyone wants to get married and be miserable like the rest of us, so be it.
All joking aside, this is a great day for the United States and what this country stands for. To rule otherwise would open the door to religious tyranny, making anything outside of what Mike Huckabee believes, less than equal. Jeb Bush is another great example. When he spoke out against the Pope recently. He all but clarified that while he is a Catholic, he cannot agree with certain aspects of his religion, albeit in Pope Francis’ words. People like this are dangerous because they pick and choose what portions of an given religion, they choose to follow. Thus making up the rules as they go along.
Think Muslim extremists. They too follow only the portions of the Quran as they see fit, and manipulate it’s words to incite fear and promote recruitment. Resulting in the atrocities seen worldwide. I am simply pointing out the subtle similarities between the two, (no means to compare). I mean the Huckabees of the world haven’t yet said that God hates them all, and they should be executed. It’s not until then, that we can compare right? Maybe that last statement went a little too far, maybe it didn’t.
Some people fall for it, because that’s all they’ll listen to. But the vast majority, including you for reading this, knows this is right. Because if you are reading this or anything similar. You have allowed yourself to be open and understanding. This ruling however, is just common sense and you know it. It’s about equality, not religion. So leave that shit at home. Sometimes you just have to be human and think with conscience, in order to do what’s right. It’s time to stop being ancient, and get with the times. It’s called progress, and it’s happening everyday.
My mind rests at ease knowing there are millions more people like me, ready to fight them back. This day speaks to Liberty, Justice, and Equality just as much as that fateful day in 1967, when the Supreme Court ruled that inter-racial marriage was also an equal right. If it wasn’t for the mass movement worldwide, it could be decades before people even fought for this day. This is how the game is played. By making your voice heard, loudly, and in massive numbers to fight back the intolerance, injustice, and corruption that we face today.
Does this mean all those LGBT organizations that represent the community will go away? Of course not, as there is much to continue fighting for. Will New Politics Nation stop writing about these politicians and what their political-religious motivations are? Nope. There is much to be reported on, and much more needs to be said. This landmark decision represents so much more than just the LGBT community, it’s a decision that reinforces the Constitution and ensures equality for all moving forward.
“No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is to not be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization's oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.” - Justice Anthony Kennedy on behalf of the Court
It’s almost poetic...
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