Wednesday, May 27, 2015


There are many new questions regarding these accusations. Many politicians have adopted the Duggars skewed view against the LGBT community. Particularly, Josh and his mother Michelle, having influenced recent intolerant legislation.

Molestation accusations against Josh Duggar are being reported worldwide. Currently this is widely cited as the main reason for the decision to take "19 Kids and Counting" off the air. The effort of the LGBT community will be widely overlooked in this regard. That this community of people have been defending themselves, not just from this family. But defending themselves against the political power of the Christian Extremists lobbying groups. The LGBT community and it's supporters have actively been fighting for the shows removal for quite some time now. Based on the Duggars being a huge source of intolerance. An absolute and total disregard for the civil liberties that are afforded as the rights of every American.

The scary part is when you consider just how many politicians have adopted the same thinking as the Duggars and many of the hate groups aligned with them. Here are just a few that include John Boehner and Eric Cantor.

U.S. Representatives: Mike Pence (R-IN), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), John Carter (R-TX), John Fleming (R-LA), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Gregg Harper (R-MS), Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Steve King (R-IA), Don Manzullo (R-IL), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Joe Pitts (R-PA), Peter Roskam (R-LA), Lamar Smith (R-TX), Steve Scalise (R-LA), Fred Upton (R-MI)

U.S. Senators: Jim DeMint (R-SC), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), David Vitter (R-LA), Roger Wicker (R-MS)

Governor Sam Brownback, Governor Bobby Jindal, Governor Mike Huckabee, Governor Tim Pawlenty, Senator Rick Santorum

However irrelevant it may seem, it is painfully obvious that in fact those responsible at TLC are proving to the world that even they got it wrong. Questioning the belief that they were promoting good parenting, while celebrating the strength of this hypocritical family. In reality, this was a tipping point for TLC. Who has increasingly become the center of controversy surrounding the Duggars. We all saw something was wrong within this family. When this all came about there seemed to be a collective voice saying, “I always knew something wasn’t right about them”. That’s because for those that didn’t notice, it was the subconscious trying to tell the truth. They are no different than the Branch Davidians or The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Warren Jeffs), in principle. In fact Jim Bob immediately made me think of Warren Jeffs in particular, granted on a smaller scale. But what if none of this came about?

From June 2013 to May 2015, Josh Duggar was appointed as the Executive Director of FRC Action, the political lobbying arm of the Family Research Council. Josh Duggar has described his extended family as the "epitome of conservative values”. However, The Family Research Council, which he recently resigned from, has been labeled as an anti-gay hate group, by the Southern Poverty Law Center, due to their publications of "anti-gay propaganda”. Josh Duggar was described as "a full-fledged anti-gay activist" by GLAAD. The Duggars beliefs, as well as those of their community of the disillusioned are very clear. Especially through the activities of Josh and his mother Michelle Duggar. This system of belief is the result of membership in such a secluded group of people. Merely surviving, while completely closed off from society and reality.


Now that we know the victims will never see any retribution and may never find closure. The biggest and most important question will now be this (and it should be). What about all of the legislation? The legislation that Josh and Michelle Duggar played a role in. As a large part of the Family Resource Center’s movement. A group with a well known reputation of intolerance and deception, in the name of passing laws to oppress and persecute a single group. To force their immoral, unconstitutional beliefs on the rest of us, which by all accounts is nothing short of hate and “cult-like” behavior. While Josh has been rubbing elbows with many conservative politicians. Michelle Duggar lent her voice to robo-calls against Fayetteville’s proposed anti-discrimination ordinance. And let us not forget that Jim Bob Duggar served in the state legislature as a representative from 1999-2002.

In May of 2002, just two months after initially finding out what Josh had done the first time. Jim Bob lost the state's Republican Primary to Senator Tim Hutchinson, (R-Arkansas). This was an obvious motive and a more than apparent reason to cover this up. No one seems to understand why they waited so long, well now you know. Meanwhile Josh gets “sent away” for three or four months, which conveniently was just enough time until the elections were through. And in a years time, commits the same act four more times. In fact, many in the Duggars secret community have been charged with sexual assault crimes. From the State Trooper who they claim to have filed a report with, to Bill Gothard founder of the Institute in Basic Life Principles and the chain of Christian treatment centers to which Josh Duggar’s parents sent him after he was caught molesting young girls.

The Institute in Basic Life Principles, was largely funded by Hobby-Lobby founder David Green and his family. Who are committed donors to evangelical Christian causes. Gothard, an advocate for homeschooling, conservative dress, against rock music, and debt, had resigned from the ministry he founded. Amid allegations of sexually harassing over 30 women who worked at his ministry, and failing to report child abuse cases (such as Josh Duggar's case). The women alleged they were sexually harassed, including one woman who alleged that Gothard molested her when she was 17. The hypocrisy is becoming more relevant by the minute. Honestly, if I continue researching I may never finish this article.

In 2010, the Family Research Council's Senior Researcher for Policy Studies, Peter Sprigg stated on NBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, that gay behavior must be made illegal and that "criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior" should be enforced. Then in May of that same year, Peter Sprigg stated that repealing “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy would encourage molestation of heterosexual servicemembers. While In November of 2010, Tony Perkins was questioned about Peter Sprigg's comments regarding criminalizing same-sex behavior: he responded that “criminalizing homosexuality is not a goal of the Family Research Council.”

Tony Perkins continued with rhetoric, about the Family Research Council's association of homosexuals with pedophilia saying, "If you look at the American College of Pediatricians, they say the research is overwhelming, that homosexuality poses a danger to children.” In case you were wondering, the American College of Pediatricians is a small group of doctors who broke away from the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2002, because the latter group supported LGBT parental rights.The American College of Pediatricians currently stands at about 200 or so members, as compared to the more than 60,000 members of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Tony Perkins opinions are widely disputed by social science research on same-sex parenting, as well as the likelihood of child molestation by homosexuals and bisexuals. Which was found to be no higher than child molestation by heterosexuals. However, scientists note that the American College of Pediatricians have stated that the organization has, “distorted or misrepresented their work, or both.” These statements made are voiced not only by Josh Duggar, but by many members of their congregation as well. The Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate group designation in the Winter 2010, was based in part on the opinions and statements of Sprigg and Perkins.


Pay close attention to the politicians coming to their defense. Including Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. Their response to these allegations are so diluted, that they don't even realize they are defending what is essentially a cult. The Duggars belief system is solidified by absolute mis-information on a massive scale. Designed to promote intolerance and hate, while manipulating the Bible and convincing Republicans to get behind this. All but ensuring them with false and manipulated reports, that this is what their constituents want. It goes pretty damned deep, and yes I intend to make it a big deal. Because while the mainstream media may be steering your attention towards other issues, this is far from over. Myself and a few others are painting the proverbial bullseye on our backs by calling these politicians out. It is my only hope that this catches on. The last thing we need is a twisted and sick group of politicians that support such sexual misconduct, yet want to apply this behavior to the LGBT community.

If they want to oppress a singled-out group of people, with bullshit. Let’s see how they act when the truth hits them in the face. While responses from the likes of Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry and the rest of the Looney Tunes is quite predictable. They will certainly sit up and take notice when their supporters no longer support what has been labeled as a dying party. All of the politicians involved in anti LGBT legislation, are equally guilty by citing the Duggars, the Family Research Council, and other hate groups talking points. Which are all based on fear-mongering lies. Lies that assuredly makes them all hypocrites on a whole new level.

For example, in a recent podcast Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) was talking with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council. Senator Lee discusses how he believes religious liberty is under attack in America. He also mentions how “we don’t need to have a majority, we just need to have enough” when talking of imposing their intolerable will on the American People. What we are seeing is call to promote propaganda at it’s most basic level. By definition, this is what Mike Lee is talking about, in a self-promoting and justified case. Which leads to manipulated thinking along morally reprehensible lies at the highest levels. Ending with legislation that people can justify within their small, cult-like circles.

In the Duggars interview with People magazine they attempted, rather poorly, at defending their actions. Regardless of the immorality of it all. In America we have a system of laws that they ignored. They reality is that they ignored them because Jim Bob was trying to win an election at the time. Yet they still feel the need to force their beliefs on politicians, which results in legislation being forced upon the rest of us. Josh Duggar made many speeches rubbing elbows with many politicians. Michelle Duggar is equally guilty, as was promoting such intolerance and hate, by providing her views to political action as well. They were both promoting this level of intolerance and hate while covering up sexual abuse against five girls. Four of them reportedly their own.

Yes, Jim Bob was trying to win an election at the time. Do I believe this to be the reason for the cover up? Absolutely.

It’s the convenience of the truth.

(Note: The massive amount of information acquired was too much for this one article. So I will be doing a series of articles relating to my findings, while researching this one. There is a lot more story to tell, as it goes much deeper.)

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