Saturday, November 26, 2011


November 26, 2011

Campaign Finance Reform Bill:


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


I,                         , CITIZEN of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in order to form a better Union, by, for and of the PEOPLE, shall elect to provide a Constitutional Amendment or Law proposal resolving the current buying and selling of our Democracy through Campaign Financing and Special Interests. This proposal is based on the commonality in the voice of the millions of people, protesting the current situation across our Great Nation and The World. This would be a great opportunity to appease your constituents and seems very fair to the American People and Elected Officials alike. I adamantly insist that this issue be addressed, as I and millions of others, will be presenting it to every elected official in the House and Senate for review. My recommendations to Congress and the Senate are as follows:

1. United States citizens shall be free to contribute no more than $500.00, or it’s equivalent to any federal candidate during any election cycle. Notwithstanding the limits set forth as part of the First Amendment, Congress shall have the power to limit, but not ban, independent political expenditures, so long as such limits are content and viewpoint neutral. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office. Non-citizens shall not contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidates for any Federal office.

2. No corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Congress shall set a designated federal holiday for the purpose of voting for candidates for Federal office.

3. People, person, or persons as used in this proposal does not include corporations, limited liability companies or other business entities established by the laws of any state, in the United States, or any foreign state, and such corporate entities are subject to such regulation as the people, through their elected state and federal representatives, deemed reasonable and are otherwise consistent with the powers of Congress and the States under this Constitution.

4. Prohibiting all federal public employees, officers, officials or their immediate family members from ever being employed by any corporation, individual or business that they specifically regulated while in office; nor may any public employee, officer, official or their immediate family members own or hold any stock or shares in any corporation they regulated while in office until a full 5 years after their term is completed; a complete lifetime ban on the acceptance of all gifts, services, money or thing of value, directly or indirectly, by any elected or appointed federal official or their immediate family members, from any person, corporation, union or other entity that the public official was charged to specifically regulate while in office. Elected officials and public employees in regulatory roles may only collect their salary, generous healthcare benefits and pension. Any person, including corporate employees, found guilty and convicted of violating these rules in a court of law by proof beyond a reasonable doubt, shall be sentenced to a term of mandatory imprisonment of no less than one year and not more than ten years.

5. Members of the United States House of Representatives shall be limited to serving no more than four two-year terms in their lifetime. Members of the United States Senate shall be limited to serving no more than two six-year terms in their lifetime. The two-term limit for President shall remain unchanged. Serving as a member of Congress or as the President of the United States is one of the highest honors and privileges our culture can bestow. These positions of prominence in our society should be sought to serve one's country and not provide a lifetime career designed to increase personal wealth and accumulate power for the sake of vanity.

Nothing contained within this proposal shall be construed to limit the people's Constitutional Rights in any way; which rights are inalienable.



November 26, 2011

Campaign Finance Reform Bill:


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


I,                         , CITIZEN of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in order to form a better Union, by, for and of the PEOPLE, shall elect to provide a Constitutional Amendment or Law proposal resolving the current buying and selling of our Democracy through Campaign Financing and Special Interests. This proposal is based on the commonality in the voice of the millions of people, protesting the current situation across our Great Nation and The World. This would be a great opportunity to appease your constituents and seems very fair to the American People and Elected Officials alike. I adamantly insist that this issue be addressed, as I and millions of others, will be presenting it to every elected official in the House and Senate for review. My recommendations to Congress and the Senate are as follows:

1. United States citizens shall be free to contribute no more than $500.00, or it’s equivalent to any federal candidate during any election cycle. Notwithstanding the limits set forth as part of the First Amendment, Congress shall have the power to limit, but not ban, independent political expenditures, so long as such limits are content and viewpoint neutral. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office. Non-citizens shall not contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidates for any Federal office.

2. No corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Congress shall set a designated federal holiday for the purpose of voting for candidates for Federal office.

3. People, person, or persons as used in this proposal does not include corporations, limited liability companies or other business entities established by the laws of any state, in the United States, or any foreign state, and such corporate entities are subject to such regulation as the people, through their elected state and federal representatives, deemed reasonable and are otherwise consistent with the powers of Congress and the States under this Constitution.

4. Prohibiting all federal public employees, officers, officials or their immediate family members from ever being employed by any corporation, individual or business that they specifically regulated while in office; nor may any public employee, officer, official or their immediate family members own or hold any stock or shares in any corporation they regulated while in office until a full 5 years after their term is completed; a complete lifetime ban on the acceptance of all gifts, services, money or thing of value, directly or indirectly, by any elected or appointed federal official or their immediate family members, from any person, corporation, union or other entity that the public official was charged to specifically regulate while in office. Elected officials and public employees in regulatory roles may only collect their salary, generous healthcare benefits and pension. Any person, including corporate employees, found guilty and convicted of violating these rules in a court of law by proof beyond a reasonable doubt, shall be sentenced to a term of mandatory imprisonment of no less than one year and not more than ten years.

5. Members of the United States House of Representatives shall be limited to serving no more than four two-year terms in their lifetime. Members of the United States Senate shall be limited to serving no more than two six-year terms in their lifetime. The two-term limit for President shall remain unchanged. Serving as a member of Congress or as the President of the United States is one of the highest honors and privileges our culture can bestow. These positions of prominence in our society should be sought to serve one's country and not provide a lifetime career designed to increase personal wealth and accumulate power for the sake of vanity.

Nothing contained within this proposal shall be construed to limit the people's Constitutional Rights in any way; which rights are inalienable.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Contacting Your Elected Representatives. Worth It?

Does writing your elected officials really work? We all know the common answer to that question. "It doesn’t do any good", and it’s a essentially a complete waste of time.

But really, who writes their elected officials anymore? Anyone?

Here's why I ask. Our elected officials have become all too comfortable largely due to the complacency from a large majority of Americans. Which is fine...

I say that because their attitude can actually work in our favor. Politicians are not used to receiving in-your-face feedback from their constituents.

Certainly not massive amounts of it.

In speaking from my own personal experiences. I found that this type of action is still quite effective.

About a year ago I began on my seemingly impossible quest of fighting for school funding in Texas. It didn't take me very long to realize I wasn't alone in this endeavor.

Texans were facing budget cuts on a huge scale. Many teachers didn't know if they would have a job this year. The uncertainty was also a distraction for the Teachers we spoke to.

Several educators expressed concerns echoing each other: “I don’t know what to do if I lose my job, it’s next to impossible to focus on teaching with this hanging over your head”.

This was also mentioned in our meetings with Texas Education Association (TEA) and members of the Teachers Union.

The proposed cuts would have forced the closure of many schools around the state. It also called for eliminating the Head Start program and increasing class size beyond current standards.

I found this disturbing. With three children of my own in these schools, there was only one thing to do.

Time to fight.

I started the best way I knew how. I wrote my elected officials both state and federal, with along with a drafted-proposal calling for the use of Permanent School Fund dollars (more on that later).

After a while I started feeling almost purposefully antagonistic about it. I wasn't rude or anything like that. But I was persistent. Am I supposed to care if they're butt-hurt?

No, I'm not. It's their job to take our shit.

My little campaign began with e-mailing copies of my proposal to all of the elected officials from every district. I had recruited some friends and parents to help, the needed very little convincing.

The proposal read as follows:

"I am writing to you because of the dire situation we face with funding our public school system. I implore you to vote against cutting any funding for public schools.
  • If you need to cut 4 billion dollars from schools, why not use some of the over 20 billion dollars in the Texas Permanent School Fund. This fund was created to assist school districts in need (over 160 years ago). I think we would both agree we have school districts in need. Taking 4 billion dollars from there would have little impact on the Permanent School Fund. Which conveniently reports how profitable there strategies are (check their website if your not familiar with the program)
  • Additionally, if that doesn't suit you guys. Just use some money from the Rainy-Day fund. While it's not actually raining (which would be nice), it is definitely raining from a fiscal stand-point. Honestly I don't know how much "more rain" we need in that context.
  • It seems as though you guys are trying to portray our Great State of Texas, as being poor and cash-strapped. All it takes is some simple looking around online, and I or anyone else can find billions of dollars within our state just sitting there... Waiting for what?
  • It took me 20 minutes to find the billions needed to fund education in one of the already lowest-rated states. What's it going to take for you guys to see the big picture? You guys are dumbing down our children.
  • Many school districts cancelled summer school. They failed to inform anyone until it was too late get a child in at an outside school district. So now people have to enroll their children into home-schooling programs like what Texas-Tech offers, so they can have what is entitled to them in the first place.
  • The schools failed the children as educators and are now forced to turn their backs on them and lose the opportunity to make it right. They failed the students because they didn't know if they would have a job next year. This was obviously weighing on their minds on a daily-basis (that's all the faculty talked about at the school functions), this in turn results in less focus on the job and at the task at hand... Educating our children!
  • This falls solely on our representatives shoulders, you guys failed our teachers, and most importantly our children.
  • Enough damage has been done, it's time to make it right!

OK, so it’s truncated for brevity, because if I posted the whole thing you would be here a while reading it.

You get it. I was a little brutal.

A week or two goes by, and I start getting response letters from ALL of them. Most were telling me that they don’t represent my district, and who I should contact for answers.

As if I didn't know...

What I found most intriguing, was how many replied saying they weren’t aware of the Permanent School Fund at all or what it was even for.

I know what you're thinking. How the heck did these guys get elected?

I followed up their feeble response letters by making contact with the Presidents of the TEA and the Teachers Union respectively, and presented my proposal to them.

Interest and enthusiasm for the idea was pretty high and I was immediately informed that after careful review, it would presented in their next sessions.

About that time, Texas State Senator Steve Ogden replied to me in a hand-written letter. My representative was the only hold-out at this point. But, came across as sincere and understanding.

The letter however, amounted to the typical political side-stepping that the Texas politicians are well known for.

And then he lost me.

He tried to "explain" how the blame falls on the federal government for the school funding shortage. Then he said, with all the sincerity in the world, that he felt as though his hands were tied.

His hands were tied...


Because all of that pestering with phone calls, emails, and faxes paid off. We also had the help a few state representatives including Senator Steve Ogden.

I'm guessing he was able to untie his hands after all...

So here we are, yesterday was election day, and guess what happened? Texas House Joint Resolution 109 (Proposition 6) was passed.


The people voted and successfully passed Prop 6, thus releasing more money from the Permanent School Fund and saving our schools.

For now.

But it's still a win. We'll take it. 

The resolution should not only offset the federal cuts (which we did a few months ago with the “Rainy-Day” fund), but it will now provide additional funding to keep schools open and continue programs like Head-Start.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to, or want to, take credit for the passing of this bill. I will however, take some credit for pestering the heck out of our elected officials, and even educating a few of them in the process.

I certainly can’t leave those of you who participated either. This was truly a team effort.

Most of the representatives that had a positive response and who agreed with us in principle, are the ones credited for authoring the bill (go figure).

All kidding aside these are the guys that put the pen to the paper and made it work, and the best part about it is…

The Texas Legislative Budget Board issued a fiscal note about HJR 109 to the House Committee on Appropriations on April 30, 2011.

According to the fiscal note:
  • "No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated, other than the cost of publication."
  • "The cost to the state for publication of the resolution is $105,495."
  • "No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated."
So does writing your elected officials work?

Yes. Yes it does.

Write your elected officials, as much as you can, as often as you can. Let them know how and what you feel about the issues and the job they are doing. Or should I say not doing?

With millions of letters, e-mails, and phone calls coming in, they will begin to see the commonality in the grievances of the people. At that point, they will be forced to act, or we will be seeing some new faces in Washington soon!

Our success in the battle school funding is what got us started. Now we can't stop.

Since then, we have gotten a little deeper into politics and the fight for what's right in this country.

Adding in the help of some close friends and colleagues we have started a community to bring about change in America through civil discourse and sharing knowledge.

The organization is to be known as the New Politics Nation Initiative.

This movement is for all of us to come together in the same way we came together to get the school-funding we needed. Except now we have moved on to all of the issues facing our nation.

It's an open to everyone type of environment. We are a non-partisan unbiased group of citizen thinkers focused on maintaining progress on both a societal and governmental level.

Let's do this!

Make sure to follow our Social Media:

On Facebook:

On Twitter:

On Instagram:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Perry Truly Believes He Has a Chance… And He Should

The GOP’s Funny Man

As many of you know, I am currently really disappointed with the Republican candidates, especially Rick Perry. While I don’t mean to harp on just one candidate, I’m going to on this one. I can’t help it, he really irritates the heck out of me. I’m sure I’m not the only one…

So Rick Perry has enlisted the so-called “Heavy Hitters” to his campaign staff. Come on, really? These clowns fit in with the Perry camp like clowns fit in at the Ringling Brothers Circus. These poor saps have very few, if any, victories in any political campaign, and now they are stuck fighting for Rick Perry. Talk about the ultimate career-ender. This guy is so out of touch that his new “Tax-Plan”, cuts taxes on the rich (once again), and taxes the heck out of everyone else. He really and truly believes it’s a great plan. I’m not so sure he even knows what he’s selling. This guy is completely out there.

Unfortunately, he actually thinks he has a chance at the White House with his new tax-plan. Well, in all honesty, he may have just bought the White House with this plan. That is, of course, under the current system of plutocrats buying their way into everything. Congress, The Senate, and The White House are all for sale in our current system. If we, as the people, were to fight to change the system and make it so getting into office isn’t so profitable and secure, then he wouldn’t be in the race. Most of them wouldn’t be.

The Republican party has turned into the party that wants to keep people unemployed, keep our country at war, and create a bigger divide between the rich and the poor. They are successfully killing the Middle-Class and destroying our country, piece by piece. Unbelievably, they mostly want Perry as their poster boy. And why not, Perry is the most dangerous one out of the bunch. Just take a look at Texas, he's leaving the great state ranking 50th in everything that is important (education, healthcare, etc.). He now wants to employ every failed “trickle-down” policy from the last 30 years. It seems as though he wants to lead us all the way back to the 1920’s. He is way off the deep end, or one beer shy of a six-pack (depending on which part of the country your from).

Perry actually said on a CNBC interview that he has not seen Obama’s grades, and that “mine were on the front-page, where are his”? Can you believe the arrogance coming from the same guy who barely skirted the “ni**er-head ranch” debacle? He is proving that his “good ole’ boy” image is nothing more than a brainless, wanna-be racist image. This tough guy image that he and Bush are famous for, is nothing more than a show to hide his ignorance. Drop him off in Brooklyn and let’s see how he does.

If we don’t fight to change the system, a guy like Perry could end up in the White House. We can not continue to allow our Democracy to be bought and paid for. It is not for sale! Write your “elected officials”, and I mean write them, everyday that you can. Bug the heck out of them. After all, you are their constituents, they are supposed to listen right? Well let me tell you from personal experience, if they want to keep their jobs, they will listen. If not, let them know at polls come the next elections. Fight back or we’ll never win!

Here is where you can find out who your representatives are:

Arturo Dominguez
New Politics and New Ideas

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Perry Still Thinks He Has a Chance

The GOP’s Funny Man...

So Rick Perry has enlisted the so-called “Heavy Hitters” club. Come on, really? These clowns fit in with the Perry camp like clowns fit in at the Ringling Brothers Circus. These poor saps have very few, if any, victories in any political campaign, and now they are stuck fighting for Rick Perry. Talk about the ultimate career-ender. This guy is so out of touch that his new “Tax-Plan”, cuts taxes on the rich (once again), and taxes the hell out of everyone else. He really and truly believes it’s a great plan. I’m not so sure he even knows what he’s selling. This guy is completely out there.

Unfortunately, he actually thinks he has a chance at the White House with his new tax-plan. Well, in all honesty, he may have just bought the White House with this plan. That is, of course, under the current system of plutocrats buying their way into everything. Congress, The Senate, and The White House are all for sale in our current system. If we, as the people, were to fight to change the system and make it so getting into office isn’t so profitable and secure, then he wouldn’t be in the race. Most of them wouldn’t be.

When you look at all of the polls from the last few months, none of the Republican candidates even stand a chance against Obama one on one. Whether that’s a good thing, remains to be seen. I honestly believe that Obama needs another term in office in order to accomplish what he is trying to do. The main thing I give Obama credit for is that he actually has a plan, he’s had a few, but Republicans refuse to give him a chance. Can you believe that Mitch McConnell, said that the portion of Obama’s job plan to keep firefighters and police on the job, is a "bail-out"? These do-nothing Republicans actually filibustered the American Jobs Act, without an alternative plan in place. Idiots…

Republican’s (with the exception of Ron Paul) have all dogged the hell out of Obama for bringing the troops home. The Iraqis want us to go home... why is that so difficult to understand? They say we will look back and see this as one of the biggest defeats in our history. Really? We toppled a dictator and gave the Iraqi’s the democracy they wanted. We’re done. Time to go home.

The Republican party has turned into the party that wants to keep people unemployed, our country at war, and create a bigger divide between the rich and the poor. They are successfully killing the Middle-Class and destroying our country, piece by piece. And once again, Perry is the most dangerous one. Much like the wake of devastation he left behind in Texas, leaving the great state ranking 50th in everything that is important. He now wants to employ every failed “trickle-down” policy from the last 30 years. It seems as though he wants to lead us all the way back to the 1920’s. He is way off the deep end, or one beer shy of a six-pack (depending on what part of the country your from).

Perry actually said in a CNBC interview that he has not seen Obama’s race on his birth certificate and that “mine is on the front-page everyday, where is his”? Can you believe the arrogance coming from the same guy who barely skirted the “ni**er-head ranch” debacle? He is proving that his “good ole’ boy” image is nothing more than a brainless wanna-be racist Texan image. This tough guy image that he and Bush made Texans famous for, is nothing more than a show. Drop him off in Brooklyn and see how he does there.

If we don’t fight to change the system, a guy like Perry could end up in the White House. We can not continue to allow our Democracy to be bought and paid for. It is not for sale! Write your “elected officials”, and I mean write them everyday that you can. Bug the hell out of them, after all you are their constituents, they are supposed to listen right? Well let me tell you from personal experience, if they want to keep their jobs, they will listen. If not, let them know at polls come the next elections.

Fight back or we’ll never win!

Here is where you can find out who your representatives are:

Follow us and the movement for change on Facebook and be sure and “like“ our page "New Politics and New Ideas". Join us in empowering our Nation and taking the power back!

Arturo Dominguez
New Politics and New Ideas

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Now Is The Time To Bring About Change

With the "Occupation" now reaching out all over the globe, one has to wonder what will come of it. With the lack of direction, the burn-outs making us all look like druggies, and now the internal bickering on the Wall Street encampment, it leaves one to seriously think "what else can be done"...

As an American, I feel like we should be leading the pack on this front, but I came to realize that we are the fools in this ordeal. The situation in this country is worse than most other countries around the world. So much so, that illegal immigration from "the border" has been at zero for most of the year. In fact, it looks like we will end the year at zero immigration from Mexico. Has it gotten so bad that life is better in Mexico? Well, let's take a brief look at some of the facts.

In Mexico City for example, the job market is increasingly surpassing the job market in most major cities in America. More people in Mexico have better access to health-care than we do, hourly wages are more than they are here, and the overall cost of living is much cheaper than in the U.S.. When most of the cartels have moved to our side of the border, what does that tell you? It's now easier to run a drug-smuggling ring from the U.S. than it is in Mexico... It's almost unbelievable!

The situation in our country has gotten so bad, that countries we once considered "third-world" are doing better than we are. So what gives you ask? Well, before we jump on the bandwagon of attacking all of the politicians, banks, and Wall Street, stop and think about it. Who let it get this bad? Who let the banks and Wall Street start "buying-in" to Congress, the Senate, and The White House? WE DID! And who can take it back? WE CAN, AND WE WILL!!

Want to know how? Pay attention, not to me (I'm just another pissed-off individual like the rest of you), but to everyone who is proposing constitutional amendments to bring about change. Some proposed amendments like Dylan Ratigan's "Get Money Out" of politics, and Warren Buffets "Congressional Reform Act of 2011", would certainly make a huge difference. And while this could work in theory, I don't think the "monsters" in office (who we elected) will let it happen.

So the next approach from this point is to write, write, write. Give your elected officials hell. I know most people don't think this actually has any effect. But, I can tell you from personal experience that it does. Last year I fought for school finance, and I wrote my elected officials (along with many other people), at the state and federal level. And let me say, that we got plenty of attention for some of our ideas and proposals. Before I knew it, I was in discussions with State Senator Steve Ogden, and I also managed to get the Texas Educators Association (TEA) behind the proposals. With that kind of backing you can bet we were getting some attention. The end result was that the State of Texas increased the budget for public schools, but the Federal Government sent some huge cuts our way.

My point is, that it really is that simple. While my case didn't get all of the results I wanted. We did get the attention of elected officials on a State level and got them to free-up some money from the Permanent Education Fund, which in turn, off-set most of the cuts from our fine Government. While ole' Rick Perry would love to take credit for this, he can't. He wasn't even here. The people are the ones that pulled together and made it happen. He is the biggest "do-nothing" Governor in Texas history, if not U.S. History (but that's another story).

So as they laugh at all of us over the "Occupation", now is the time for the next step. Pestering politicians. Email, write, or call these arrogant schmucks! Flood their offices with your story, your ideas, your solutions, and most importantly your displeasure with the current State of the Union. While it is relatively simple, it only works with numbers. Just like the "Occupation", they won't even look our way if we're not represented by massive numbers. Let's get the "real party" started, and make a difference. Together we can empower our Nation... Now is the time!


Arturo Dominguez
New Politics and New Ideas

Follow us and the movement for change on Facebook at: The page is a community designed to bring about new ideas and solutions for the issues we face today, in America and around the world. Join us in empowering our Nation and taking the power back!

Monday, September 12, 2011


This is my latest addition to assist in my writing, which has taken off as of late. For the longest time I have been using my personal Facebook Page, I have since (today), set up a fan page for myself on Facebook. Which can be found here:

Let it be known that this is a Political based blog and that I am a logical, progressive thinker, with a lot to say. I have lots of great ideas, concepts, and opinions. I have also recently jumped into writing, which is something I have always wanted to do, and have been well received thus far. I have a lot of opportunities (which I consider a blessing), to write for some big names that I can not, and will not mention until I am officially writing for them. For now you can find my articles here, my Facebook page, and of course Reader Supported News.

See you soon!